_____________________________________ THE WICKEDNESS OF NANO-BILLIONAIRES Dylan Holmes _____________________________________ 2021/Nov/20 What are billionaires doing in my subconscious, you may ask. Good question. Right now I'm wondering if some of us hate billionaires because they represent the part of us that is powerful and yet does nothing. Understand that this is dream-logic. I am certainly not saying our grievances against billionaires are purely metaphorical. You know the argument: it's not a particular dollar amount or moneymaking scheme, it's the fact that we've allowed money to buy the unbuyable---the power to shape other people's lives without their involvement. But dreams don't see things that way. In the language of the unconscious, a billionaire is a monster---raw power that is unused and wasted. It spends an infinitesimal amount selfishly and sits ignorantly on the rest. Don't you recognize it?